
A few days ago I released a small open source jQuery plugin called footnote.js. The idea for this plugin came to me as I was writing an article on postal.js (coming soon!). I was adding some footnotes, and as I re-arranged text in my html document, I had to re-arrange the footnotes to match the order of the superscript tags in the document. As you can imagine, this is a colossal pain in the ass, so in a fit of inspiration, I hacked together a jQuery plugin to manage this for me. In short, when the document loads, it reads the order of superscript tags in the DOM, then reorders the items in an ordered list (the footnotes) to match. It also re-numbers all of the superscript tags and creates hyperlinks to the corresponding footnotes. It does make some assumptions (e.g., that you only have one list of footnotes), but I was striving for the simplest use case, so it is what it is. Forks and pull requests are welcome, if you feel inclined.